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Understanding the Colorado Sex Offense Specific Evaluation

What is a Colorado Sex Offender  – Sex Offense Specific Evaluation?

What follows is a brief summary of the kind of evaluation “tools” used by certified sex offender evaluators in the process known as a pre-plea and or sentencing sex offender SOISP (Sex offender Intensive Supervision Probation) Evaluation. It is not indepth but does give some basic understanding and starting point to pursue additional information.

The SORS program offers specialized evaluation services conducted by experts in the use of specialized, empirically supported approaches and testing instruments. Each client in the SORS program is required to have a comprehensive Psychosexual Evaluation completed prior to their acceptance or during initial meetings with their therapist. Psychosexual Evaluations completed by outside persons are acceptable if the evaluator is a listed sexual offender evaluator with the SOMB and the report includes the required information outlined in the Colorado Sexual Offender Management Board Standards and Guidelines.

The purpose of a sexual offense specific/psychosexual evaluation is to determine a client’s risk level and what type of management and placement appears appropriate. Specifically, the evaluation is used to determine whether a client needs a greater level of structure and containment. The evaluation can also be used to help identify other or secondary issues that may contribute to improved mental health and reduction of risk (i.e. Drug and alcohol abuse treatment, anger management, trauma resolution, etc.). Each evaluation typically requires between five to eight hours to complete, generally over a few days’ time.

The evaluation will require the client to submit to a clinical interview, required testing which includes either a Penile Plethysmograph (PPG) or Abel Assessment of Sexual Interest. The Abel Assessment is utilized for all in-custody evaluations.

Information identified in the Psychosexual Evaluation is used to assist in treatment plan development and community supervision guidelines. These issues are outlined in the individual treatment plan.

Pychosexual Evaluation Instruments

The following assessments are used in addition to an in-depth clinical interview. Not all of the assessments listed below are used as part of an evaluation, but rather certain assessments will be selected depending upon the client’s presentation.

Sexual Arousal/Interests Assessments

Abel Assessment of Sexual Interests

Penile Plethysmograph Assessment (PPG)

Personality/Psychopathology Assessments

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2nd Edition (MMPI-2)

Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory 3rd Edition (MCMI-III)

Sexual Thoughts/Behaviors/Fantasies Assessments

Abel Assessment of Sexual Interests

Aggressive Sexual Behaviors Inventory

Multiphasic Sex Inventory 2nd Edition (MSI-II)

Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire

Sex Offender-Incomplete Sentences Blank (Projective assessment)

Personal Sentence Completion Inventory (Projective assessment)

Cognitive Distortions Regarding Sexual Behaviors

Bumby Cognitive Distortions Scale

Burt Rape Myth Acceptance Scale

Hanson’s Sex Attitudes Questionnaire

Opinions About Women Questionnaire

Aggressive Behaviors/Violence Assessments

Aggressive Sexual Behaviors Inventory

Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory

Intelligence Assessment

Slosson Intelligence Test-Revised (SIT-R)

Neuropsychological Testing

The Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination (Cognistat)

Substance Abuse Testing

Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3rd Edition (SASSI-3)

Risk Assessments

Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)

Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Guide (SORAG)

Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG)


Minnesota Sex Offender Screening Tool-Revised (MnSOST-R)

Malingering Assessments

Miller Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test (M-FAST)

General Sex Offender Treatment Assessments

Amenability for Treatment Scale

ASETS Evaluation Progress for Inappropriate Sexual Behaviors

Penile Plethysmograph Assessment (PPG)-Arousal Management

Parental Risk Assessment

The Parental Risk Assessment is utilized to determine whether or not a sex offender should be allowed contact with his or her own child(ren). In addition, the PRA findings advise the containment team of the type of contact considered most appropriate between the client and their children.

A PRA is used only to determine whether contact is appropriate with the offender’s own children. A PRA will take between four to six hours to complete, and the client will be required to submit to a clinical interview, pen and paper assessments, and sexual interest/arousal testing. All PRAs require an independent polygraph assessment.

Parental Risk Assessment Tools

Hanson’s Empathy For Children Assessment
Hanson’s Empathy For Women Assessment
Relationship Questionnaire
Questionnaire on Adult Relationship Types
Parental Risk Assessment Questionnaire
Parent Discipline Interview
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2nd Edition (MMPI-2)
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory 3rd Edition (MCMI-III)
Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Guide (SORAG)
Intake and Referral Protocol

In order to pursue placement, the referring agent should provide detailed documentation, including police reports, victim impact statements, court documents, pre-sentence reports, psychosexual evaluation (if completed), psychological assessments, probation requirements or any other information relevant to understanding the referred client. Once the client’s materials have been sent, we request that you ask the offender to contact the agency for their initial intake assessment appointment.

This allows for motivation to be assessed from the beginning. Once the offender is referred to the SORS program, the intake team reviews the appropriateness of placement. Such considerations as level of risk, typology of offender, amenability to treatment, level of denial, age, intelligence, current living situation, secondary diagnostic features, manageability, response to prior intervention and supervision, level of violence and financial stability are considered in acceptance considerations.